Sunday, February 27, 2011

Eco Safe moss cleaners: Jim's Mowing franchisees

Eco Safe moss cleaners: Jim's Mowing franchisees www.jim'

Jim's Mowing franchisees WAY TO GO # 2

I was invited to do a presentation to Jim's Mowing AGM on Friday. What a sharp bunch of guys and gals! They are always on the look out for ways to add value to thier businesses and were very receptive to Green cleaning of decks, walkways, and, for some, roofs. A very forward thinking team and we will definately be doing some Eco safe business here! They are going to put a link on their new web directly to .
A big WAY TO GO JIM's for being open to green cleaning!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Tile Roof Cleaning

Just a quick Blog about tile roof cleaning. If the tiles are glazed our "Tile Wash" will do a great job, but if the tiles are not glazed, the cleaner is in for a long tough job. These tiles are so porous that cleaning properly is a huge job.
We do however, offer a "Rotary Nozzle" for your pressure washer on our website that shots the water out in a whirlpool motion, that is really effective on glazed tiler roofs (or difficult to clean concrete), and will help the job on unglazed tiles to soem degree.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Toxic chemicals used in cleaning

Using cleaning chemicals means that we are often in contact with substances that are toxic to humans, animals and the environment, and these chemicals don't go away. When a surface is cleaned, some chemical deposit is generally left behind, and if it is toxic, exposing people to continued toxic residue.

Thats the beauty of Hydrogen Peroxide...first of all it rapidly reduces to H2O with exposure to air and secondly it is so common in everyday use that one can pretty well consider it a friend rather than a foe. Sooo the good news for our customers and camp followers is that Wash Safe products, based with Hydrogen peroxide, are absolutely safe, (except as a vodka substitute for martinis).
Check out our website for uses for Hydrogen Peroxide,including cleaning teeth

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Coffee Pot cleaning

Ok here's something different. Our carafe for our automatic coffee pot has a stainless steel interior, much like a thermos. After about 5 years of daily use the inside was completely stained a dark brown-black and even putting it through the dishwasher did no good.
On a whim, I put one tablespoon of "Stain and Odor Evaporator", (our Pet and Household stain remover) in the pot, filled it with warm water and left it as we went out for dinner. When we got back several hours later I poured out the solution, rinsed in fresh water and the interior of the pot was brilliantly clean and as shiny as new!!! Just another use for Wash Safe products!!!