Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Wow after being hacked and losing most of my past blogs I am now back to pour more facinating
info about eco safe cleaning...yeeee haaaaaw!!

Most  of our products are based on the many uses of Hydrogen Peroxide for elimination of moss, algae and mildew, and cleaning in general, so here's a story that has no practical application at all but is a great story heard on the radio here in North Vancouver, BC. (do not practice this at home!!).

The DJ was telling about a phone call he received from an avid golf fan. Apparantly this fanatic golfer had scored two tickets to the practice round for the Master's in Augusta Georgia..the mecca of golf to say the least. He was over the moon with excitement as he and his buddy were going to Augusta to get "up close and personal" with the best of the best!

Two nights before leaving he came home from work to tragedy...his dog "Sierra" had eaten both tickets!!! After freaking out he ran to the bathroom and grabbed a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide he kept for disinfecting wounds, splashed a healthy dose into a cup with water and poured it down poor Sierra's throat. The dog immediately vomited up the torn reminents of the tickets along with whatever she had been eating that day. He sorted through the stinky mess, and pulled out all the bits and pieces of the tickets, cleaned them off as best he could, assembled them like a jig saw puzzle, took a picture and sent it to Augusta with an explanation of what happened. Augusta actually sent him replacement tickets based on his story and what was left of the originals and off they went to the big show!!! What a great story!!

(by the way Sierra showed no ill effects of the Hydrogen Peroxide experience).

Just another use for my favorite cleaner!!!

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